
God Speaks Through Cheryl

After last night, this was a welcomed email from Cheryl [a powerful prayer warrior] in my inbox this morning:

As I was praying for you and Sam this morning this is what I heard from the Lord. 
Though things seem insurmountable at times the Lord wants you to move forward in your endeavors. Sometimes as Christians we have the mindset that if things become difficult, if there are too many obstacles or glitches, we think that it is not of the Lord. BUT this is not the case many times. As you know, He allows glitches for whatever reasons that we may not understand this side of heaven. When we ask for His favor and hand upon something then there are insurmountable ( or so they appear) obstacles, we tend to think it is not of Him and start the questioning process.  
Be at peace, keep your eyes focused totally on Him, and do not allow that to come in to play.
The other thing I have been praying about is the Lord "cutting through the red tape." He is a God of order and details. Red tape, which can be obstacles again, He has under control and He can handle with no problem. It just seems like alot on this end, but He has it covered.
Again, not sure of what this says to you but got this at 7:30 this morning so figure I best pass it on.
 Blessings, Cheryl

What an amazingly cool and kind God we serve. New mercies are available EVERY morning and He wanted to remind us that HE is in control. HE already knows the outcome. HE can handle it with no problem.

Uh ya Cheryl, this speaks to me.

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