
Conference Call

Today we had a conference call scheduled with everyone [me, Sam, Emily, her parents and both attorneys] to discuss how we are moving forward with this process.

The best part of the conversation was when we shared our faith with both attorneys! [Sam and I had discussed this prior to the call and felt it was imperative for them to know what we believe and why we are still so optimistic about the adoption]. It was way cool. We were able to explain the God-reasons as to why we are moving full steam ahead. God hasn't told us to do anything different. We believe in miracles and it was exhilarating to be able to share this with our attorneys.

Now, let me be honest that once we got this tidbit of information on the table [the whole we love Jesus thing!] we were greeted with absolute silence.  I am talking silence. Not a peep from either attorney. Hmmmmm...

So anyway.

In conclusion, the best thing that came out of the conference call and discussion is that we have decided to go and visit Colton in Colorado. We want to include him. We want to ask his permission and get his blessing over this adoption. We firmly believe it is NOT GOD'S HEART for this to be a long, drawn out process. It is NOT GOD'S HEART to terminate someones rights as a birthparent. We are going to Colorado to hopefully gain Colton's trust and begin a lifelong friendship with him.

Back to our regular position. On our knees!

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