
Smoothie King

Max and I have fully embraced smoothies these last few months. We have at least one, if not two, a day.

Our morning always starts out with a green smoothie. If you don't know exactly what a green smoothie is, you should try one. I can't think of a better way to start the day. (Well, start the day after my mandatory cup o' joe).

Most of our green smoothies (and keep in mind, there is no recipe to follow) start with lots of fresh fruit. Bananas, peaches, mangos, cherries, berries, really, whatever I have on hand that sounds like it would be good together. We add some greens (that is where the green smoothie part comes in) like spinach, kale, chard, parsley and anything else green we can find in our fridge! Add some raw honey, chia seeds, dash of flax seeds if we feel like it, fresh lemon juice, carrot juice and if need be purified water.

So day to day, the color of our smoothie changes. Max's least favorite is when it is actually green. Usually means mama put in too much of that healthy lettuce and such. ;)

So drink up! Max sure does. And has the smoothie mustache to prove it!


My Lawn Guys

So lets just start out by saying that Max has been begging Sam to mow the grass together. Last year, Sam spent most of the summer mowing the grass with Max in the Kelty backpack. Sweat much?

Well this year, Sam decided to ease his summer load and hire the 12-year-old neighbor boy to cut our grass when needed. And I am pretty sure Sam has not regretted his $15-a-cut investment once. Nope, not once.

However, little Max has not forgotten about the Kelty and that feeling a man (or boy in this case) must get when behind a powerful engine, cutting the grass, hair blowing in the wind/gas fumes, sweat dripping into your eyes. You get it. He was desperate for a ride with his daddy pushing that mower.

So Sam's new summer best friend, Wesley the 12-year-old lawn boy, went on summer vacation with his family. Which means, Sam had to do the dirty, sweaty grass cutting himself.

Mission Accomplished.

Little boys summer dream fulfilled.



Impromptu Sprinkler Fun

Really Max? Is it really necessary to have arm floaties on while running through the Elmo sprinkler?


Little Gym Ceremony

Over the years, I have posted lots of pictures and videos of Max at Little Gym. This has been an awesome "mommy and Max" experience for us. Since 4 months of age, we have been faithful gymers. As Max graduated from Bugs to Birds to Beasts to Super Beasts and currently, Funny Bugs, I would have this bittersweet moment. On one hand, I am the proud mama. Can't believe he is growing up. And so thrilled that he is moving up to the next class. On the other hand, I can't help but think. He is growing up. And moving up to the next class.

So this little post is of Max finishing up his final Funny Bugs class of the season. In this class, he didn't need his mama anymore (sniff, sniff) and marched into every class with 16 other classmates and 3 teachers. This graduation ceremony actually consisted of 3 routines - floor exercise, beam and bar. And he stuck the landing on every one. Class ended with an olympic-style, medal ceremony. Proud of you Maximus! You are quite the little gymnast.