
Live and in Concert

I know I have had previous posts about Max and his love of music.

But this one tops them all [at least in my opinion].

That's right, his new thing: Rockin' it out on the guitar.

He loves playing the guitar, with his foot tapping, singing at the top of his lungs, hands up in the air praising Jesus.

And, oh yes, I must mention that he needs to have an audience. Because he requires applause and affirmation. And then needs to know you want to hear it again. And again. And again.

I am pretty sure as long as you are willing to listen, he is willing to play.

My favorite is watching him trying to give himself a hand [saying "Yay" or "Go Max"] while he is balancing the guitar on his knee. Priceless.

Check him out. He's that good.


  1. Jett has never sang before watching this! Tell Max he has taught Jett a new cute trick! LOVE how Max is musical like you!

  2. Ha! I love it.
    Max, Gabe (or Gaby to you ;)) loves that song too!!

  3. Is he speaking in tongues?! ;) love it!
