
Rollover Rollover

So I am THAT parent.  Actually, I am going to put Sam also in this category.  WE are THOSE parents!

We have spent weeks pulling out the video camera determined [did I mention DETERMINED?] to get Max on video the first time he rolls over. 

Day after day, we have put him on his belly, coaching, encouraging, cheering him on with our trusty camera in the "on" position. 


Then today...it happens.  

With NO VIDEO CAMERA on hand!

And the ironic part, I almost missed the entire thing...out of the corner of my eye I see him on his side about ready to roll. I spin around and catch the last half of his first rollover.

Apparently, Max doesn't appreciate an audience.


  1. This blog is AMAZING!! Jen you are the best mother ever. It's obvious you were made to be with MAX. Love ya, Sam

  2. Wow - you have been busy posting!!!!

    Max -you are a little gem! We love you little man.
    Oh, and you might want to check Aunt Kristen's blog for a cute photo of you and Daddy. :)
