
Paradise I tell you...

My love language: Vacation!
Puerta Vallarta, Mexico

Nothing like traveling with your best buds. Great fun, great memories and great laughs. 
(oh, and great poolside drinks too -- cheers!)

Save these seats for us; we'll be back...


Camping at State Park

We absolutely look forward to this weekend every year. All of Sam's brothers and sister and their kids, head out to the State Park, for some boating, swimming and late night s'mores!!

Abigail, Lauren, Gabriel and Maximus

The kids love going boating.

Max has NO fear. Go buddy!

Sam taking a turn on the wakeboard!

Max got a tent for his birthday. It was perfect and put to use this particular weekend! Thanks Grandma and Papa!

                                            Between the 6 siblings, we have 15 children, and counting! :)


What fun!

What is that saying? While the cat is away, the mouse will play! Well, Sam's brother took his wife on a Mexico vacation so we had the privilege of watching their girls. Claire (3) and June (13 mo). It was definitely hard work to have 4 kiddos 4 and under, but the week was absolutely a success and all had fun! Here are the little babes at the pool! (I did not venture to the pool alone, fyi, Sam and Brit accompanied me so lots of manpower watching these guys play!)

June, Max, Charley and Claire


Water Park Action

Sam scored a few tickets to the water park from work and we knew this was right up Max's alley. Charlotte got to spend the day with Grandma and we hit the water slides all day.

Maximus was riding some slides that made my stomach drop! He has no fear when fun is involved. I know he can't wait to go back next year!

We enjoyed having some one-on-one time with Max and having some big boy fun!