
Memory Lane

We purchased a new [to us...thank you Craig's List!] toy last week that I happen to be in love with, a Kelty Kids backpack. The Kelty allows Max to literally ride piggyback on our back in a comfy backpack. The little man can take in any scenery in style with this awesome invention.

Now, for that trip down memory lane. 

Have you ever gotten caught up in looking at old pictures? Well, it happened to me today. I started looking at some of Max's pictures of him in our Baby Bjorn. I wiped a quick tear from my eye as I realized how big our little guy is getting!

Max's first-ever Baby Bjorn ride
at the 2008 Memorial Golf Tournament
[only a few weeks old]

2008 Family Vacation
[almost 3 months old]

One of my favorite Bjorn moments!
Yes, that is Max's proud cousin, Maddie, 
carrying him at the apple orchard.
[6 months old]

Last month. 
Might have dusted it off from the winter months.
Let's just say it was a bit snug for Max and Sam!
[13 months old]

Graduation to the Kelty!
Ahhhh...what a relief for Max and Sam!
[a few days shy of 14 months old]

P.S. Happy 14 month birthday to you TODAY Maximus!


OBX Part 4

The final tribute to our memorable 2009 Outer Banks vacation. 

My favorite photo of the week...

"O taste and see that the Lord is good!"
Psalms 34:8

Maximus, you still remain God's greatest miracle in our lives. When we look into your big blue eyes we are reminded daily of God's goodness. We have tasted and seen that, indeed, the Lord is good. 


OBX Part 3

The Cousin Photo Shoot

Have you ever tried to get 8 children [8 and under] all smiling for the camera at the same time?  

Let's just say we tried to get that perfect shot. As in lots and lots of attempts and finally, with everyone laughing, we had to throw our hands up in the air and say, "It is what it is!"

Just so you can be a part of the photo shoot fun, here is a progression of our hard work. 

Take 1
Max, don't walk away!
Drop Eli and Gabe and run!

Take 2
Let's put the boys down at the same time and run!

Take 3
We have an escapee!
And where is Gabe? MIA!

Take 4
Gabe wants nothing to do with the camera.
And far, far right corner Eli has already made a run for it!

Take 5
Whew, this is as good as it's going to get people!
Aren't these kiddos the cutest??
[Quick confession: Shayden, Max and Eli are actually being held up by adults hiding behind the girls! Hilarious!]


OBX Part 2

Road Trip = Fast Food

[May I interject to say that this is my least favorite part about traveling. Fast food. Ick, I despise it.]

But, I LOVE Chick-fil-A! So, understand my excitement when I spotted a Chick-fil-A sign on the highway. And the timing was perfect.  Lunchtime!

Max experienced his FIRST EVER Happy Meal on our road trip down to OBX. That's right. Almost 14-months-old and finally experiencing the joy of having his very own Happy Meal and toy for the road! 


Hope you enjoyed Mister! I am back to packing healthy, delicious and organic lunches for you. ;-)


OBX Part 1

Greetings to everyone!

I have been on bloggy break as we enjoyed a week long vacation on the beach in the Outer Banks [OBX]. All of Sam's big family stayed under 1 roof. Yep, that's right! 24 people sharing the same living space for 8 days and 7 nights. It worked out beautifully...thanks to the 10 bedrooms and 10 baths!

Here is a peek at Max on the beach. I have lots of more photos and videos to comb through, but wanted to let you know of our safe return and share a few precious shots of sweet Maximus!

Stay tuned! I have lots more to share and will be back with more photos, videos and stories.


Sweet Friendship

"Happiness is time spent with a friend and 
looking foward to sharing time with them again."
- Lee Wilkinson

We spent the weekend with some of our fabulous friends that live in New York. They absolutely love on Max everytime they see him. And I mean can't-get-enough-of-him kind of love on him. They adore him [and who wouldn't, right?]. And spoil him. Every time we are together they have a gift for the little man. This time they waited until they got in town and we shopped for the perfect gift together.  

Check out Max's new outdoor water table. It was love at first sight when Max got his first splash. He was laughing and screaming and having a ball. 

Thanks Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Chrissy for a summertime of fun ahead!!


The Ceremony

I would like to introduce you to The Little Gym's gold medalist...

Maximus Samuel

Today, Max was honored for his superb gymnastic skills on the uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercises. The crowd went wild as he accepted his gold medal. 

Well done, Maximus. Well done.

**We will be taking a short Little Gym break this summer and then Max will be hitting the mats again in the fall!