
Keep Rejoicing

A friend of mine [Becky], sent this Psalm to our prayer group today [Partners in Grace or better known as the PiGs]. It reminded me that even in the midst of trials we need to continue to rejoice. We need to continue to claim God's promises over lives. We need to continue to have joy. We need to continue to give God all our praise and thanks.

Psalm 30
I will extol You, O Lord, for You have lifted me up,
And have not let my enemies rejoice over me.
O Lord my God,
I cried to You for help, and you healed me.
O Lord, You have brought up my soul from Sheol;
You have kept me alive, that I would not go down to the pit.
Sing praise to the Lord, you His godly ones,
And give thanks to His holy name.
For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for a lifetime;
Weeping may last for the night,
But a shout of joy comes in the morning.
Now as for me, I said in my prosperity,
"I will never be moved."
O Lord, by Your favor You made my mountain to stand strong;
You hid Your face, I was dismayed.
To You, O Lord, I called,
And to the Lord I made supplication:
"What profit is there in my blood, if I go down to the pit?
Will the dust praise You?  Will it declare Your faithfulness?
"Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me;
O Lord, be my helper."
You have turned my mourning into dancing;
You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness,
That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.


God's Plan

Sam reminded me of a short and simple verse today to encourage and keep our focus on Jesus.

Job 42:2


"I know that you can do all things; 

no plan of yours can be thwarted."


New Baby Pics!

Here is the little man - all 5 pounds, 13 ounces of him. And lots of hair - they said it is already 1 1/2" long!
We can't wait to meet you little Maximus!!


A Touch From God

This is just so incredible, I have to share it on the blog.

I received an email from Emily today and she was describing an experience she had with God at her birthing class last night. She has been under some intense stress lately (she was even admitted to the hospital last night for early contractions).  But, here is how God met her need!

Emily's words:

I had been pretty tense and tired all day long. I was sitting in the birthing class just thinking about everything, and I got the strongest sense of peace. I mean, not even a sense, it literally took over my whole entire body! I felt totally relaxed, rested, calm, it was like God was giving me the most amazing back massage or something! My mind was so clear and I felt so at peace; and I heard God, Jen! I mean, I actually heard Him talking to me, like He was whispering in my ear. He told me to just let it go; my stress, my anxiety, my concern for the future. He told me to give it to Him because He had everything under control. I think He wanted me to tell you guys the same thing; to not rely on the circumstances around us or worry about tomorrow or the future, but to live in today and to rely fully on Him and He will provide. I hope that brings some encouragement, because it helped me SO much today! 

Do we have the most amazing birthmom or what? Just to think that baby boy also experienced that SAME peace, that SAME touch from God.  WOW, we serve an awesome God!!


Confidence in the Kingdom

"Though war arise against me, in spite of this I shall be confident." Psalm 27:3b

I felt the Lord prompt me this morning to write in my journal the things I am confident of:

1. God is in control. Period.
2. God has a destiny planned for this baby, for Emily, for Colton and for us.
3. God sees the BIG PICTURE.
4. Our world collided with Emily's world in a supernatural and powerful way.
5. This adoption is EXACTLY what we prayed for, and more. 
6. God can and will work a miracle.
7. God's timing is always perfect.

Need I say more?


We Judge God Faithful

The tides have turned again. 

Colton has just shared that he needs more time to make this decision. He is not ready to move forward with the adoption at this time and plans to hire an attorney to help walk him through his rights as a birthfather.

We are believing God for a miracle. We know that God has a destiny for everyone involved in this situation. We are sure that this is the promise we have been waiting for. This is the child we have prayed and cried for. This is the family we have thanked and rejoiced God for. 

We judge God faithful... 

We judge God faithful...

We judge God faithful.

We know He is in control of the outcome of this situation.  

Sam and I have a sense of peace, even though the storms are really raging right now.  We know God's heart for us, for Emily, for Colton and for this baby.  It is a future and a hope. A purpose and a calling. 


Come Away My Beloved

One of my favorite devotional books is Come Away My Beloved (if you don't have a copy, you should invest in one). I gave Emily this book at the beginning of our journey together. Over the past few months we have encouraged each other with topics, Scriptures and pages out of this book. Emily asked me to read page 13 today and I felt like I had to add it to the blog.


"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." 
Matthew 6:33

Incline your heart to Me, and attune your ear to My voice. For I would speak to you, and I have an urgent message to give you.

Do not set out to establish your own designs. I have already set in motion My divine will and purpose, and I would not have you interfere. I am jealous of My children: They are Mine, and you shall not intrude in any way to hinder My plans from working out. Yes, you may do many things, but only that which I direct you to do can have My blessing.

Resign all into My hands - your loved ones as well as your own self. Be obedient to the still small voice. Your own imaginings may speak more loudly, but wait upon Me always. You will see the wisdom in this in due time. Fret not about carnal things, but concern yourself first and always with spiritual values. Truly, My promise is still: "Seek first the Kingdom of God ,and all the other needful things will be added to you."

Resigning ourselves to God and His perfect plan is much easier said than done. Putting aside our own agendas, hopes and dreams and surrendering ALL to Him. That is so incredibly hard. Worthwhile and rewarding? Absolutely. But also costly and takes great sacrifice in the process.

Thank you Emily for recognizing God's hand at work.  In your life and in the life of this precious baby boy. Your reward is great for the sacrifice you are making!


I'm Ron Burgundy?

This post is not like any of my other serious posts. I need a break! On one of our trips to TN, we discovered that one of the many things we have in common with Emily is our love for the movie (and the quotes) of Anchorman. Emily sent us this email and I thought I would share!

Sweet Grandmother's Spatula! Things I Learned From Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy...

.:If you have many leather-bound books and your apartment smells of rich mahogany, you are kind of a big deal. If you are kind of a big deal, let people know about it.

.:You aren't co-workers. You are co-people.

.:If you look good, make sure everyone comes and sees how good you look.

.:Women don't belong in the workplace. Their menstruation attracts bears. That puts everyone in jeopardy.

.:Make sure you have suits so fine they make Sinatra look like a hobo. A voice that makes a wolverine purr wouldn't hurt either.

.:Littering just leads to pain.

.:Looking at objects in the room does not mean you love them.

.:Jumping straight up into a bear pit is a decision you will immediately regret.

.:Dont allow Audrey do your makeup. You will have bags under your eyes and look like hell.

.:Don't add anything to the teleprompter that shouldn't be there...it will get read!.

.:San Diego was not discovered in 1904, and does not mean a whale's vagina in German. There's no way that's correct.

.:If you want to bag a classy lady, just give her two tickets to the gun show.

.:You may not always be able to shout something from the top of a mountain, so a news room and a camera will also do.

.:If you kill a man with a trident, you might want lay low for a little while.

.:The best way to express your inner anguish is through the majesty of song.

.:It's not love if you don't even know her name...that's off to a bad start.

.:The worst way to get a girl is to tell her you want to be on her.

.:Incidentally, the best way is to play the jazz flute.

.:Listen to your dog, he's wise like a miniature Buddha covered in hair. Even if he does speak Spanish.

.:You can't do interviews with live bears, they will literally rip your face off.

.:I don't care if you want to take her out for a nice seafood dinner, leave the mothers out of it.

.:Don't mess with Jack Johnson or Tom O'Leary.

.:It's okay to miss work if you are in a glass case of emotion.

.:Don't let the guy who can't think give you directions. He'll lead you straight into a bilingual bloodfest. Fantastic!.

.:Giving a disillusioned fan some money out of your wallet will not ease the pain.

.:Never ever even consider buying your suit at the toilet store.

.:Don't arbitrarily use a saying, especially if you have no idea what it means. i.e., When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do.

.:If you want to get invited to Ron's Family Band touring the countryside, never insult his woman.

.:Leave the hair and face out of it.

.:Don't hold that celebrity golf tournament again. Too many people died last year.

.:Don't check the dictionary for your name.

.:The very best way to summon your friends is by conch shell.

.:If it has bits of real panther, you know it's good.

.:On a hot day, milk is always a bad choice.

.:Don't ditch your friends' monthly pancake breakfast for some new fad called yogging. I don't care how wild running for an extended period of time may be.

.:Fiberglass insulation is not cotton candy, no matter what that guy says...and your tummy will itch.

.:The best way for a man to get out of a spiritual and existential funk is not to go to the zoo and flip off the monkeys. It is to buy new suits.

.:Diversity is not an old, old wooden ship used in the civil war era.

.:Telling your beloved city to go f&%^ itself is never in your best interests.

.:It really can get worse than that time the raccoon got into the copier.

.:Desire never smells like a used diaper filled with Indian food...not even to some people.

.:It is Anchorman, not Anchorlady, and that is a scientific fact.

.:It's boring, but it's my life. WHAMMY!

*These lessons will make you an overall classier person, guaranteed. They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time.



Sweet Quote!

Found this quote and had to share:

"The greatest challenge in receiving great things from God is holding on for the last half hour."

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9