
Tips for Traveling By Plane with an Infant

Traveling with an infant is fun.

Traveling with an infant is a breeze.

Traveling with an infant is a lot of work. So let me provide you with some helpful tips that will come in handy next time you fly the sky cross-country with a baby!

1. Always, always pack a change of clothes for your baby. Why? Take a look at the last voyage by clicking here. The bottom line: When you don't pack a change of clothes you need them. When you pack a change of clothes you don't need them. Somehow your baby will know if you are prepared or not.

2. Arrive at the airport at least two days hours early. Security is tight these days. And if you are packing water, formula and baby food jars? Well, be prepared for a pat down. Nuff said. 

3. Always Never try to save a buck by carrying all your luggage on board the plane. [Nowadays, most airlines are making you pay for checked luggage, some up to $25 a bag]. Be prepared for sideways glances as you push your stroller, your luggage, your duffel bag and your baby bag through the terminal. And oh yes! Expect the baby to be on your hip because he will want to be carried, not pushed in the convenient stroller.

4. Do not be surprised that after a four hour flight you have only read one chapter in your brand new, fun book. One chapter. Only 10 pages long. Seriously, don't be surprised.

5. Remember that exposing your infant to germs builds the immune system. For maximum exposure you could allow your baby to crawl around the back galley of the plane and then watch in terror delight as they pause to pop their thumb in their mouth. Germs? What germs? 

6. Do not put a time limit on TV. If infant is entertained and engaged in the movie [i.e. Baby Einstein], play it again. And again. And again. Even if you are getting dirty looks because the volume is a smidge too loud. Play it again. And again. And again.

7. Do not assume that your baby will fall fast asleep on the plane. Even if they are rubbing their eyes and sucking their thumb. They are not tired. And that hum and lull of the engine? It obviously doesn't help put them to sleep.

All in all, I hope these tips come in useful on your next journey. 

And Max, 
You were a great little traveling companion and I am already looking forward to our next trip!
Your Mama


  1. Oh sweet Max! I'm sure you gave your Mommy and Daddy a run for their money!

    You must be one fun travel buddy!

  2. FOTFLAMP! ;)

    I love, love that you are now experiencing this.

    I would only add to Tip #4:
    Even better, pack new, fun book in checked luggage. Purchase smut magazine such as People for plane. You might (might!) get a chance to catch up on Brangelina. If not, no loss.
