
Max, Get Your Crawl On!

Max is officially crawling! He has been working the kinks out the last couple of days, but today he was on the move. He followed me everywhere. He pulled things off shelves. He took books out of baskets. He crawled his little heart out. Way to go buddy, we knew you could do it!

And what does this mean for me? Well, I better get busy as it seems I've got some more baby proofing to do around the house!

Catch a glimpse of Max getting his crawl on [enjoy the surprise ending to the video!]. 


  1. Way to go Max!!!

    Can't wait to see you in action tomorrow night!

    Aunt Becky

  2. Yea Max! Let me tell you Jett is a NEW child now that he is crawling. Just wait! Max will be so much happier and you will be running around with your head cut off. He will also learn "NO" really fast. Jetts already starting saying No No No No. ha! Yea for Max!

  3. So precious! I love to watch them start learning they can do all these amazing things on their own.

    Enjoy these moments!

  4. YAY!!!!!!! Go Max!!!!! This is so awesome!!
